Kaastengel. Kaastengels on the other hand, refer to Dutch hapjes (snacks) of "cheese-fingers", derived from Dutch kaas (cheese) and tengels (fingers). @wimdaniels Kaastengels. Als je met je handen smeerkaas hebt gegeten. Kaastengels on the other hand, refer to Dutch hapjes (snacks) of "cheese-fingers", derived from Dutch kaas (cheese) and tengels (fingers).
Check out kaastengels's art on DeviantArt.
Kaastengels on the other hand, refer to Dutch hapjes (snacks) of "cheese-fingers", derived from Dutch kaas (cheese) and tengels (fingers).
Although the word is derived from Dutch Kaasstengels or Kaastengels, the Indonesian Kaastengels.
Kalian dapat memasak Kaastengel hanya dengan menggunakan 9 bahan dan 7 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Kaastengel!
Bahan Kaastengel
- Diperlukan 300 gr Mentega (sy pakai Blueband smua).
- Sediakan 2 Butir kuning telur.
- Diperlukan 200 gr Keju edam parut (sy pakai 150 gr Keju cheddar).
- Gunakan 400 gr Terigu segitiga.
- Sediakan 2 sdm Susu bubuk.
- Diperlukan 🌿 Olesan :.
- Sediakan 3 kuning telur tmbh 1-2 sdm susu cair.
- Gunakan 🌿 Taburan :.
- Siapkan Parutan keju.
Stream Tracks and Playlists from kaastengel on your desktop or mobile device. Kaastengels, often called "cheese sticks" or "cheese stems", are traditional baked treats from the Netherlands. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Jump to navigation Jump to search.
Langkah-langkah membuat Kaastengel
- Kocok margarin dan telur asal campur rata dgn speed rendah.
- Masukkan keju parut, aduk rata. Lalu masukkan terigu + susu bubuk dan aduk rata..
- Cetak adonan, lalu tata di loyang yg sdh di oles margarin tipis.
- Oles dengan bahan olesan.
- Lalu taburi dengan keju parut.
- Panggang dlm oven suhu 125 dercel sampai matang / sesuai oven masing".
- Sy pakai otang, pakai api kecil. 😂 kdu sabar nunggu matang nya...
Want to discover art related to kaastengel? Check out inspiring examples of kaastengel artwork on DeviantArt, and get inspired by our community of talented artists. Mix margarine, butter and condensed milk. Add the grated edam cheese (you can also replace it with parmesan or cheddar) and mix well. Get notified when Kaastengel is updated.