Cream Puff aka Kue Soes. Making kue sus isi vla always brings back memory of me as kid. When we moved to another house, my mom acquired a new stove (with an oven). It is known as "Soes" in Dutch and in Indonesian version is written as "Sus".
For you who don't know what Cream Puff is look like, here's the picture of it: source:
For Indonesian may know it as "Kue Soes".
My mom also called it Kue Soes when.
Teman-teman dapat menghidangkan Cream Puff aka Kue Soes hanya dengan menggunakan 6 bahan dan 9 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Cream Puff aka Kue Soes!
Bahan Cream Puff aka Kue Soes
- Diperlukan Bahan kulit soes :.
- Sediakan 225 ml air matang.
- Gunakan 125 gr tepung protein tinggi.
- Diperlukan 1 sdm munjung gula pasir.
- Sediakan 100 gr margarine.
- Siapkan 4 butir telur ( klo saya ditimbang seberat 200gr bersih tanpa kulit).
Cream Puffs are a dessert that everyone loves, but most cooks are afraid to try make them. They are quite easy to prepare and very impressive to serve. Cream puffs are made from French pate a choux (pronounced paht-ah-shoo), a thick, warm paste of water, milk, salt, flour, and eggs. Besides cream puffs, two other desserts using choux pastry are eclairs (long finger-shaped choux pastry filled with cream and glazed with chocolate) Cream Puffs begin with a baked shell of choux pastry.
Cara memasak Cream Puff aka Kue Soes
- Campur air + gula + margarine. Rebus hingga mendidih..
- Masukkan tepung terigu, aduk cepat hingga kalis. Angkat.
- Setelah adonan dingin, masukkan telur.. Aduk rata menggunakan whisker (pake mixer jg bisa).
- Masukkan adonan soes ke plastik segitiga. Gunakan spuit bintang / polos. Semprot adonan soes keatas loyang yg telah dioles margarine. Lakukan hingga adonan habis.
- Panaskan oven hingga suhu 200'c. Panggang soes selama 15-20 menit. Setelah itu kecilkan api hingga suhu 175'c, teruskan memanggang selama 10 menit hingga kue soes tidak berbusa lg. Angkat dan dinginkan.
- Kue soes yg mengembang sempurna akan terasa ringan dan dalamnya kopong.
- Vla lembut A (campur & masak hingga gula larut ) : -135 gr gula pasir -350 gr susu uht plain -1 gr garam B (campur aduk jadi satu ) : -90 gr maizena -3 kuning telur -325 gr uht plain -2 sdm vanila ekstrak ( sy pakai pasta Blackforest) C (kocok hingga mengembang) : -125 gr fresh cream ( sy 60gr whippedcream bubuk + 125ml air dingin).
- Setelah bahan A mendidih, masukkan bahan B. Masak hingga kental dan meletup. Angkat dan dinginkan.
- Campur kedua bahan vla jadi isi. Aduk rata. Dinginkan. Masukkan isian vla ke plastik segitiga, isikan ke kulit soes.
Choux pastry or pate choux is an unusual pastry in that it is first cooked on the stove and then. Pâte à choux (pronounced pat-ah-choo) is the paste-like dough used for making the crispy shells of cream puffs, éclairs, gougères, and profiteroles. Once you understand the technique, making choux at home is easy. The hard part is choosing a filling. Some favorites include: pastry cream, pudding. isi whipi cream serpih coklat - Kue sus (Soes) - Sus isi vanilla - Sus vla mini - Sus Kering renyah, gurih, super kriyuk - Sus Isi Ayam Selada - Kue sus - Choux Susu a la Dapur Mamake shila - Puff Pastry atau Kue Sus simple - Sus Kering Keju renyahh bgtt - Kue Sus kering keju - Kue sus vla vanila kismis.