Sweet Potatoes Cream Soup (#pr_sop). Sweet potato soup balances the sweet and savory with onions, garlic, onions, and leeks, along with a bit of nutmeg and cinnamon. At the end we stir in some milk and cream, and add a swirl of sour. "When you make sweet potato soup" you say "it is supposed to taste like sweet potatoes". Okay so it doesn't make sense but I still didn't love it.
I'm dedicated to bringing you sweet, simple, and from-scratch dessert recipes.
Sweet Potato Soup Recipe - creamy without using any cream!
The coconut milk makes it so smooth!
Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kalian dapat menyiapkan Sweet Potatoes Cream Soup (#pr_sop) hanya dengan menggunakan 6 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Sweet Potatoes Cream Soup (#pr_sop) yuk!
Bahan-bahan Sweet Potatoes Cream Soup (#pr_sop)
- Diperlukan 100 gr ubi kuning, kupas kulitnya dan potongĀ² kecil.
- Dibutuhkan 200 ml susu uht full cream vanilla.
- Dibutuhkan 1 siung bawang bombay ukuran kecil.
- Gunakan 1/2 sdt garam.
- Gunakan 1/2 sdt merica.
- Diperlukan 1 sdm margarin.
It's a major comfort soup and it's creamy without any cream what-so-ever! The coconut milk adds a silky sweet nuttiness to the soup that will make you close your eyes and hum This sweet potato soup recipe is a rich blend of creamy sweet potatoes, carrots, fresh ginger, and a hint of spice! Transfer the soup to a high powered blender and blend on high for one minute, or until it's creamy enough. Garnish it with coconut cream or yogurt, chopped pistachios.
Langkah-langkah memasak Sweet Potatoes Cream Soup (#pr_sop)
- Rebus ubi kuning hingga matang..
- Tumis bawang bombay dengan margarin..
- Masukkan kedalam blender, ubi, susu dan tumisan bawang bombay..
- Setelah lumat, masak kembali dengan api kecil hingga mendidih..
- Bisa disajikan dengan tambahan potongan ubi rebus, tambahan makaroni & kacang merah..
With carrots, sweet potatoes & apples, this savory soup with a hint of sweetness is the essence of fall. What you'll need to make Autumn Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup. Before we get started, let's talk about sweet potatoes. Last time I was at Whole Foods, I noticed that. Potato Soup loaded with chunks of tender, hearty potatoes and made with a rich and creamy soup base.