Sweet Potato Cake (Onde Gepeng Ubi Ungu). BOLU UBI UNGU Bolu atau cake ubi ungu yang saya buat adalah bolu kukus yang berbahan dasar tepung ubi ungu. Tepung ubi ungu ini saya pilih sebagai. Using both purple and orange potatoes make for a more colourful look too.
Purple sweet potato cake。 Kue talam ubi is one of my absolute favorite Indonesian cakes.
Due to the lack of oven back in the old days, most of Indonesian (or Asian for that matter) cakes are steamed.
The bottom layer is made with sweet potato.
Sobat dapat memasak Sweet Potato Cake (Onde Gepeng Ubi Ungu) hanya dengan menggunakan 10 bahan dan 9 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Sweet Potato Cake (Onde Gepeng Ubi Ungu)!
Bahan Sweet Potato Cake (Onde Gepeng Ubi Ungu)
- Siapkan Bahan A.
- Gunakan 300 gr ubi ungu.
- Diperlukan 2 sdm gula halus.
- Sediakan 2 sdm susu kental manis.
- Siapkan 1 sdt vanilli.
- Siapkan Bahan B.
- Gunakan 200 gr tepung ketan (14 sdm).
- Diperlukan 160 ml air hangat.
- Diperlukan Bahan C.
- Diperlukan Secukupnya wijen putih.
Sometimes you will see purple version where purple sweet potato is used. Here the sweet potatoes are first boiled until very tender and then peeled and mashed or pureed until smooth before being beaten into the batter. In the same way that sweet potato makes a luscious pie filling, so it can be a wonderful ingredient in preparing cakes, too. The Most Delicious Sweet Potato Cake with Maple Frosting.
Cara membuat Sweet Potato Cake (Onde Gepeng Ubi Ungu)
- Bersikan dan Potong-potong ubi lalu kukus hingga matang.
- Haluskan mengunakan garpu lalu campurkan dengan susu kental manis dan gula halus (kalo mau lebih manis silahkan tambahkan lagi takaran gula nya).
- Bentuk bola-bola.
- Campurkan tepung ketan dengan air hangat aduk merata.
- Bentuk pipih adonan tepung ketan isi dengan ubi tutup bulatkan lalu pipihkan pelan-pelan.
- Siapkan wijen.
- Baluri dengan wijen agak di tekan.
- Goreng hingga matang.
- Sweet potato cake atau onde-onde gepeng siap disajikan, di nikmati dengan segelas teh hangat. Selamat menikmati..
Something new for Thanksgiving: Turn a traditional side dish into dessert. I started drooling even before reading the hashtags on photographer Mark Weinberg's photo of sweet potato cake with maple icing. I had to try this cake. The traditional dessert from Baba and Nyonya is now being translated to one of our top-selling cakes. The sweet potato cake is the best and their crepe cake is simply faultless.