Cookies strawberry purple sweet potato pudding lapis. Amazingly soft and gooey crinkle cookies with a hint of ube or purple sweet potatoes are HUGE hit in our house. It's hard to stay away from them. See more ideas about Purple sweet potatoes, Ube, Ube recipes. ยท Vegan Mexican Chocolate Sweet Potato Pudding.
You can also choose from sweet cookie purple.
Nature has the ability to tint this pudding (and these rolls) my favourite shade of purple, all thanks to the purple sweet potato.
The ube type from Wake up to this refreshing Strawberry Smoothie recipe.
Sobat dapat menyiapkan Cookies strawberry purple sweet potato pudding lapis hanya dengan menggunakan 7 bahan dan 7 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Cookies strawberry purple sweet potato pudding lapis!
Bahan Cookies strawberry purple sweet potato pudding lapis
- Sediakan agar-agar bening.
- Dibutuhkan 100 g ubi ungu kukus, haluskan.
- Siapkan gula pasir.
- Dibutuhkan susu kental manis.
- Dibutuhkan air.
- Gunakan oreo mini.
- Diperlukan nutrijell yoghurt strawberry.
Purple Sweet Potato Powder comes from the root vegetable of the same name and is only distantly related to potatoes. It is sometimes confused with taro and the Okinawa sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas cv. The mixture should be the consistency of pourable pudding. No need to decorate these sugar cookies!
Langkah-langkah memasak Cookies strawberry purple sweet potato pudding lapis
- Campurkan 1,5 sdm tepung agar2, 1 sdm gula pasir dan 1 gelas air, aduk rata kemudian didihkan.
- Tuang larutan agar2 tersebut ke dalam cetakan yang telah diberi oreo pada dasar cetakan.
- Sembari menunggu agar2 agak mengeras, campurkan 1,5 sdm tepung nutrijell yoghurt strawberry, 1,5 sdm gula pasir dan 1 gelas air, kemudian didihkan.
- Tuang larutan tersebut ke dalam cetakan (sebagai lapisan kedua).
- Sembari menunggu (lagi) lapisan kedua agak mengeras, campurkan 100 g ubi ungu kukus halus, 1,5 sdm tepung agar2, 3 sdm susu kental manis, 1 sdm gula pasir dan 100 mL air, kemudian didihkan.
- Tuang larutan agar tersebut ke dalam cetakan (lapisan ketiga) kemudian dinginkan, garnish sesuai selera (saya mah asal ๐).
- Finished, enjoy ๐.
Purple Sweet Potato Sugar Cookies are naturally purple, gluten-free, vegan, and sugar-free! No need for decorations since the magic is right in the potato. This is when letting the natural ingredient shine becomes that sage advice. Sweet Potato Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. In a larger bowl, beat the sweet potato, oil, sugar, eggs, and vanilla until smooth.