Purple sweet potato smoothie. This Purple Sweet Potato Smoothie looks (and tastes) like a raspberry milkshake - but is packed with fill-you-up fiber, slow-digesting carbohydrates, protein, and antioxidants to fuel even your busiest days! The perfect recipe to enjoy before hitting the gym or as a quick & easy breakfast in the morning. Purple sweet potatoes are the perfect immune booster.
They don't call it a superfruit for nothing!
Purple sweet potatoes, or murasaki imo as they're called in Japanese, are often used in Japanese desserts and their taste lends itself to sweet things much better than regular sweet potatoes, as they're much sweeter and their aroma is almost perfume-like.
Our magical purple sweet potato smoothie is blended with blackberries, almond butter, and plain kefir.
Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kalian dapat menyiapkan Purple sweet potato smoothie hanya dengan menggunakan 2 bahan dan 2 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Purple sweet potato smoothie!
Bahan-bahan Purple sweet potato smoothie
- Gunakan 1 buah ubi ungu.
- Gunakan 150 ml susu UHT Coklat.
Take a sip of this luxurious superfood concoction for an immune-boosting dose of antioxidants. I came across some good looking purple sweet potatoes, so I couldn't resist turning one of them into a purple smoothie. This is similar to the previous recipe I listed for a sweet potato smoothie, except this time I added cinnamon and substituted blueberries for cranberries. This Purple Sweet Potato Smoothie is loaded with antioxidants.
Langkah-langkah memasak Purple sweet potato smoothie
- Rebus ubi ungu sampe matang, lalu kupas.
- Potong2 tambahkan susu, blender hingga homogen dan lembut.
This Purple Sweet Potato Smoothie is loaded with antioxidants. No bananas or extra added sugars. Bring a medium pot of salted water to a boil. All of the key ingredients in this week's smoothie - purple sweet potato, blueberries and aronia berry juice - are supercharged with anthocyanins, flavonoid pigments with strong antioxidant and health-protecting properties. Purple sweet potatoes aren't just cool for their novelty factor — although their hue is sure to liven up any picnic table or dessert sideboard.