Jus Telo (Sweet Potato Smoothie). This Sweet Potato Smoothie is a healthy breakfast option, made with cooked sweet potatoes and anti-inflammatory turmeric and ginger. Adding sweet potato to your smoothie adds extra nutrition to your morning! Here are some of my favorite things about them.
Naturally sweetened thanks to the sweet potato and dates and nutty from And so, since fall is right around the corner I thought it would be a very appropriate time to share one of my absolute favourite fall smoothie: JapaneseSweet.
Sweet potato and banana are blended together with soy milk and cinnamon for a creamy and colorful smoothie.
I think just about any fruit or vegetable like this can be blended with a banana and turn out well.
Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kamu dapat membuat Jus Telo (Sweet Potato Smoothie) hanya dengan menggunakan 5 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Jus Telo (Sweet Potato Smoothie)!
Bahan-bahan Jus Telo (Sweet Potato Smoothie)
- Gunakan 200 gr ubi ungu.
- Dibutuhkan 200 ml air mineral.
- Dibutuhkan secukupnya gula.
- Dibutuhkan secukupnya SKM.
- Diperlukan secukupnya es batu.
I followed the recipe exactly at first. Sweet potatoes are extremely starchy in their raw form. Yet once you bake them, they break down their starches and convert to delicious natural sugars. This makes them super tasty in a smoothie without adding and any highly refined sugar either.
Cara membuat Jus Telo (Sweet Potato Smoothie)
- Mix semua bahan kecuali es batu..
- Blender dari kecepatan rendah ke kecepatan tinggi hingga halus dan tercampur rata..
- Tuang ke dalam gelas yang sudah diberi es batu..
- Sajikan..
- Selamat mencoba dan sukses selalu :).
These tubers are high in fructose, but the good news is that sweet potatoes have built-in blood-sugar moderators in the form of fiber and B vitamins. I usually grate raw sweet potatoes for easier blending in smoothies, but the frozen chunks make it super simple to toss directly into the blender and help keep the whole thing cold. You can easily substitute sweet potatoes in for carrot, mango, or peach in your current favorite recipe. This sweet potato smoothie is also super easy to drink from either a toddler cup or reusable pouch. TIP: This is a great way to use up a little leftover roasted sweet potato—or a good reason to make some!