Usu Smooties. It can be difficult to maintain your health, thirst, stamina, or hunger in Grounded. The Power of REAL Food: Green Smoothies That Taste Good. Are you looking to lose weight and detox?
Learn everything you want about Smoothies with the wikiHow Smoothies Category.
Learn about topics such as How to Make a Smoothie Without a Blender, How to Make a Smoothie.
Maybe you're lactose intolerant, or maybe you're avoiding dairy, but whatever the reason, you want to make a smoothie with all the creaminess yogurt provides while leaving the yogurt out.
Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kamu dapat membuat Usu Smooties hanya dengan menggunakan 2 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Usu Smooties yuk!
Bahan Usu Smooties
- Diperlukan Ubi ungu.
- Dibutuhkan Susu kental manis.
The Best Celery Smoothie Recipes on Yummly Celery And Apple Smoothie, Unicorn Smoothie, Apple Pie Smoothie. Which kind of smoothie are you looking for? A smoothie is a drink made from pureed raw fruit and/or vegetables, typically using a blender.
Cara memasak Usu Smooties
- Rebus/kukus ubi ungu sampai lembut.
- Tiriskan ubi(jika direbus).
- Letakkan kedalam wadah dan hancurkan ubi ungu.
- Campurkan susu kental manis.
- Lalu aduk kembali hingga tercampur rata.
- Usu selesai dan siap dihidangkan.
A smoothie often has a liquid base such as water, fruit juice, plant milk, and sometimes dairy products. Discover unique drink recipes and smoothie ideas, from GP's favorite morning smoothie, to mocktails, fresh pressed juices and more at Smoothies are one of the keys to survival in Obsidian Entertainment's new Grounded game. The recipe to make Smoothie Stations unlocks after analyzing Acorn Tops or Grub Goop. This is a list of Smoothies that can be created at a Smoothie Station in Grounded.