Japanese milk bread by @dapurAmi. See recipes for Japanese Hokkaido milk bread too. I make Japanese milk bread every couple days depending how fast it goes in our house I use real milk not powder and I fold differently After dough rises: -form three equal do Japanese people still think white bread is hideously indulgent and fattening? That's the impression I got from Anime anyway.
Soft and incredibly fluffy Japanese Milk Bread is world famous!
It's also really easy to make at home.
Get the step by step recipe to make this.
Kamu dapat menghidangkan Japanese milk bread by @dapurAmi hanya dengan menggunakan 11 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Japanese milk bread by @dapurAmi yuk!
Bahan Japanese milk bread by @dapurAmi
- Dibutuhkan Bahan A.
- Sediakan 200 ml susu uht cair.
- Gunakan 30 gr gula pasir.
- Siapkan 6 gr ragi instan.
- Gunakan Bahan B.
- Sediakan 280 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi.
- Siapkan Bahan C.
- Sediakan 30 gr margarin/butter.
- Diperlukan 3 gr garam.
- Dibutuhkan Bahan filling.
- Dibutuhkan secukupnya Choco crunchy.
Imagine biting into a soft, fluffy milk bun with a warm spicy curry potato filling. Japanese milk bread is probably the lightest, fluffiest, most tender bread you'll come across. It's the perfect everyday loaf, from sandwiches to toast, and is one you need to try! This recipe was created in partnership with the dairy farm families of New England.
Cara memasak Japanese milk bread by @dapurAmi
- Campur bahan A, hingga rata, masukkan ke bahan B, aduk/mixer hingga tercampur, masukkan bahan C, uleni hingga kalis.
- Bagi adonan menjadi 4-5 warna, biarkan mengembang -/+ 50-60 menit.
- Timbang masing-masing 30gr, isi dengan filling, bulatkan, letakkan dalam loyang panjang uk 30x10 yg sudah di alasi kertas roti.
- Istirahatkan selama-/+ 30 menit, taburkan dengan tepung terigu.
- Panggang dalam oven suhu 180°c, selama -/+ 15-20 menit.
This post may contain affiliate links, where. This light and fluffy Japanese milk bread features a smart technique that keeps the sandwich bread soft and pillowy for days. In addition to milk bread, the tangzhong method can be applied to a variety of other baked goods (including cinnamon rolls!) to make them extra-light and extra-fluffy. Classic Japanese Milk Bread recipe made with cream, milk, and an extra special something that makes it super soft, fluffy, and moist. Stays fresh for days longer than regular bread.