Hokaido milk bread. To make the hokkaido milk bread taste even more delicious and soft, I add another ingredient - dry This ingredient is often used to make bread taste milkier and softer. If you don't have dry milk. Cotton-soft Hokkaido milk bread recipe, it's like a dream… I think it was on January of this year, I was scrolling through my YouTube feed and I saw this video on a Japanese channel.
When you hear the word hokkaido milk bread, most people would think of a bread made with hokkaido pumpkin.
This Hokkaido Milk Bread isn't a newly invented recipe.
I have seen dozens of recipes for this bread in recent years.
Sobat dapat membuat Hokaido milk bread hanya dengan menggunakan 9 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Hokaido milk bread!
Bahan Hokaido milk bread
- Dibutuhkan Bahan A.
- Diperlukan 200 ml susu UHT.
- Dibutuhkan 30 gr gula pasir.
- Diperlukan 6 gr ragi instan.
- Sediakan bahan b.
- Diperlukan 280 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi.
- Gunakan Bahan C.
- Sediakan 30 gr mentega/margarin.
- Dibutuhkan 1/4 sendok teh garam (jk pakai unsalted butter).
These recipes in general fall into two groups: the first group follows the regular. Hokkaido Milk Bread (Soft, Fluffy Asian Bread). The ultimate soft, fluffy, Asian-style bread with tender-but-chewy texture…it seems impossible to recreate at home but as I will show you, it is so easy! I LOVE all kinds of bread: baguette, croissant, Chinese steamed buns, and this Hokkaido milk bread.
Langkah-langkah memasak Hokaido milk bread
- Campur bahan A sampai merata. Diamkan 15 menit sampai berbuih.
- Setelah berbuih campur dengan bahan B. Uleni sampai tercampur baik. Lalu campur dgn bahan C. Uleni.
- Bulatkan.Diamkan 15 menit. Tutup dengan lap kering..
- Siapkan loyang oles mentega dan alasi dengan kertas roti. Bagi adonan 9 bagian. Letakan dalam loyam. Diamkan selama 1 jam sampai mengembang 2 kali lipat.
- Panaskan oven 180℃. Masukan adonan roti. Panggang sampai matang kurleb 15 menit.
This Japanese sweet bread is a staple in Asian bakeries. You might find it made in different shapes. Sourdough Hokkaido milk bread is fluffy, buttery, a little bit sweet, and a little tangy from the sourdough. It's versatile enough to work as a bun for hamburgers or folded around ice cream, as is. Hokkaido milk bread recipe is a long pending recipe I was contemplating to make.