Cheese Cake Jadul (birthday cake). Add softened cream cheese and sugar and stir until completely combined and no clumps remain. Made with funfetti cake mix & Golden Birthday Cake Oreos. A No-Bake Cheesecake That's the Perfect Birthday Dessert!
The main, and thickest layer, consists of a mixture of soft, fresh cheese, eggs, and sugar.
Designs for "BIRTHDAY" Cakes; In this video, we're going to show you how to make a Cheesecake on Rats.
Looking for easy homemade birthday cakes?
Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kawan-kawan dapat menghidangkan Cheese Cake Jadul (birthday cake) hanya dengan menggunakan 15 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Cheese Cake Jadul (birthday cake) yuk!
Bahan Cheese Cake Jadul (birthday cake)
- Diperlukan 8 butir telur.
- Gunakan 200 gr gula pasir.
- Sediakan 200 gr tepung terigu serbaguna.
- Gunakan 1 sachet (25 gr) susu bubuk.
- Gunakan 1 bks kecil vanilli bubuk.
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 sdt garam halus.
- Dibutuhkan 1 sdm emulsifier (saya gak pake).
- Sediakan 100 gr butter/margarin.
- Sediakan 50 gr keju parut.
- Sediakan Filling:.
- Siapkan 140 gr selai strawberry kemasan siap pakai.
- Siapkan Topping.
- Diperlukan 200 gr keju parut (bisa lebih tergantung kebutuhan pemakaian).
- Sediakan Choco (biskuit bulat coklat saya pake delfi).
- Gunakan Butter cream (resepnya sudah pernah saya posting).
From raspberry pink velvet cake to cookies and ice cream cake, these delicious options From a malted milk ball-inspired spring cake to ice cream cakes and bombes, to Froot-Loop cakes and even a last-minute no-bake cheesecake covered with fresh. No birthday is complete without birthday cakes. Check out our grand collection of delicious birthday cakes recipe and learn how to make/prepare birthday cakes. Cheese Cake is a very popular recipe.
Cara membuat Cheese Cake Jadul (birthday cake)
- Panaskan oven dengan suhu 180 dercel, siapkan loyang alasi dengan baking paper atau oles margarin dan taburi tepung terigu.
- Kocok gula dan telur sampai mengembang, kental berjejak (kurang lebih 15 menit kalau 8 telur). Masukan ayakan tepung, susu, vanilli dan garam mixer sebentar hanya sampai tercampur kemudian masukan lelehan butter/margarin aduk sampai tercampur rata dengan spatula baru masukan keju parut aduk balik sebentar saja kemudian tuang ke loyang dan panggang selama kurleb 45 menit (tes tusuk y) hingga matang..
- Angkat, keluarkan dan dingin kan di rak pendingin, belah 2 bagian olesi dengan selai strawberry dan tumpuk kembali dengan belahan satunya. Tutup kue dengan olesan butter cream dan taburi keju parut dan hias sesuai selera masing2 ๐.
See more ideas about Cake, Birthday cake, Cupcake cakes. Chanel purse cake! by catrulz on my chi chi Chanel cake. Shannon's lovely colleagues at Chanel got her this cute Chanel inspired birthday cake. Cake-Mix Ice Cream Sundae Cake. <p>Ice cream cakes are a delicious treat at a birthday bash, and making one doesn't get much easier <p>Fresh blueberries and a cream cheese frosting are nestled between layers of vanilla-coconut cake, making this the perfect dessert for a birthday barbecue. Recipe posted in: Flexโข Meals & Snacks, Snacks, Healthy Sides & Snacks.