Cheddar cheese stick. These light, dry sticks of bread, rich with Cheddar and a bit of cayenne, make wonderful appetizers. "I won't forget the cheese straws that my mother made for my father. The only difference was that she. I guess they call our kind "cheese sticks".
A good source of calcium, Sargento® cheese snacks are the smart snack everyone can enjoy anytime, anywhere.
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Crisp and flaky cheese straws specked with fresh herbs make a delicious and fun hors d'oeuvre.
Sobat dapat menyiapkan Cheddar cheese stick hanya dengan menggunakan 7 bahan dan 7 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Cheddar cheese stick!
Bahan Cheddar cheese stick
- Sediakan 300 g tepung terigu (saya: segitiga biru).
- Siapkan 200 g tepung sagu (saya: alini).
- Dibutuhkan 1 sdt garam (saya tidak pake).
- Sediakan 4 butir telur.
- Gunakan 30 g mentega (saya margarin blueband).
- Gunakan 100 g keju parmesan parut (saya cheddar kraft).
- Dibutuhkan minyak goreng untuk menggoreng.
Easy appetizer to make for your next party. Made from all natural ingredients, these cheddar cheese sticks are an addicting snack. Unique savory treats made from many layers of twisted sourdough and mounds of sharp cheddar cheese. Line a baking tray with Cut into sticks.
Cara memasak Cheddar cheese stick
- Campur tepung terigu, sagu dan garam..
- Campur telur margarin dan keju parut. Kocok dengan garpu.
- Campur bahan basah ke bahan kering. Ulenin hingga campur dan kalis..
- Bagi beberapa bagian. dan tipiskan. Giling dengan gilingan mie mulai dari gilingan nomor 1, lanjut ke nomor 3, lanjut ke nomor lima..
- Potong2 sesuai panjang cheese stick yang diinginkan. saya 10 cm. Rapikan pinggir2nya. Potong dengan gilingan mie dengan gilingan lebar. Letakkan di alas plastik..
- Panaskan minyak dengan api sedang. Goreng cheese stick hingga kuning keemasan..
- Tiriskan dan letakkan di tempat yang dialas tissue. Setelah dingin masukkan ke dalam toples kedap udara..
Roll each one gently into a smooth log like. Place on a parchment lined tray. CRACKER BARREL Vermont Sharp-White Cheddar Cheese is cut into manageable fry-size appetizers and served as Cheddar Cheese Sticks with crackers and honey mustard. Cheddar Cheese Stick from Corn Dog Castle. The crunchy, slightly sweet corn bread batter and the sharp cheddar go together beautifully with the sauce.