Black foRest Cake NCC. Penyelesaian: Basahi satu lapis cake dengan air cherry hitam, oles dengan krim kocok, lalu atur belahan cherry hitam di atasnya. Black Forest Cake is one rich and decadent cake. Homemade cake, sour cherry filling, and topped with whipped cream.
Black forest cake is a classic dessert made with several layers of chocolate sponge cake soaked with kirschwasser (cherry spirit), then sandwiched Black forest cake is not the same across the world.
It is made with slight changes based on the region.
In India black forest cake is made without alcohol.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak sulit, kamu dapat menghidangkan Black foRest Cake NCC hanya dengan menggunakan 13 bahan dan 10 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Black foRest Cake NCC yuk!
Bahan-bahan Black foRest Cake NCC
- Siapkan 200 gR guLa PasiR.
- Diperlukan 100 gR Tepung teRigu protein Rendah/Sedang.
- Gunakan 100 gR mentega,cairkan.
- Gunakan 60 gR coklat bubuk.
- Dibutuhkan 40 gR MaiZena.
- Gunakan 1/4 Sdt Vanilla.
- Siapkan 1 Sdm SP.
- Siapkan 8 butiR telur.
- Sediakan Hiasan :.
- Diperlukan 500 gR butteR cream.
- Sediakan 100 gR dark cooking chocolate.
- Gunakan Secukup nya Cherry merah 🍒.
- Siapkan 1 kaleng cherry hitam,saring Pisahkan Air nya.
Black Forest Cake, it must contain Black Forest kirsch, a brandy made from local cherries. Black Forest cake (John Laurie)Source: John Laurie. The exact origin of the recipe for this layered chocolate, cherry and kirsch cake is unclear, but one thing is for sure: it's a culinary challenge everyone should try at least once. This Vegan Black Forest Cake is incredibly delicious.
Langkah-langkah memasak Black foRest Cake NCC
- Siapkan Semua Bahan...
- CampuR teRigu,coklat bubuk & maizena aduk Rata.
- Siapkan 3 buah loyang ukuran 22 x 22 x 4 Cm oles dengan pengoles loyang.
- Mixer telur,gula & SP sampai mengembang & kental hingga membentuk Jambul petruk.
- Masukkan campuran tepung sambil di Ayak,mixer lagi hingga teRcampuR Rata.
- Masukkan mentega cair Aduk Rata.
- Tuang ke dalam loyang oven hingga matang 180 c selama 20-25 menit,Angkat keluar'kan dari loyang dingin'kan.
- Penyelesaian : Basahi 1 lapis cake dengan air cherry hitam,oles dgn butter cream lalu beri belahan buah cherry hitam di AtasX, tumpuk di atasx lapisan ke 2 ulangi proses Yang sama hingga lapisan atas,jangan lupa setiap lapisan di Basahi dgn Air cherry hitam.
- Rapikan, oles seluruh cake dengan cream,hias dengan coklat serut atau coklat bentuk lain hingga tertutup semua Bagian AtasX atau beri taburan keju parut lalu beri hiasan 🍒 pada bagian atas nya.
- Selamat mencoBa...
The recipe is easy, contains plant-based ingredients and can be made sugar-free and This little Vegan Black Forest Cake is perfect for a single household or a small family. This version of Black Forest cake gets you an easy, delicious, and moist cake by using cherry pie filling and devil's food cake mix. Reviews for: Photos of Quick Black Forest Cake. Black forest cake, which originated in the Black Forest region of Germany, is typically made with a light chocolate sponge cake, soaked with cherry syrup and cherry brandy (Kirsch), then layered with whipped cream and cherries. This version swaps the chocolate sponge for a denser, fudgier chocolate. eggless black forest cake recipe with step by step photos. preparing a good or excellent eggless frosting cakes or gateau at home is creative as well as a satisfying effort.