Buttercake NCC. Traditional, rich, soft and fluffy butter cake. This is the best butter cake recipe. This is the BEST butter cake ever!
Note: This post may contain affiliate Read the part one of How to Make the Best Butter Cake to understand how to choose.
Kentucky Butter Cake is a rich, buttery, crazy moist vanilla poke cake infused with luscious butter sauce that soaks through the cake AND is smothered on the cake leaving.
Butter cake is the first cake I learned when I started baking.
Kawan-kawan dapat menyiapkan Buttercake NCC hanya dengan menggunakan 7 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Buttercake NCC!
Bahan Buttercake NCC
- Sediakan 120 g butter unsalted.
- Diperlukan 1/2 sdt vanilla.
- Dibutuhkan 250 g gula pasir.
- Gunakan 2 btr telur.
- Gunakan 200 g terigu.
- Gunakan 1 sdt BP (me:hercules).
- Diperlukan 150 ml susu cair.
I should say it's the easiest cake to make but just need a lot of. Create something awesome with Butter cake and share it with the world or keep it for your self. Moist and buttery cake made from readily available ingredients with a luscious butter sauce. Let cake cool before removing from pan.
Cara memasak Buttercake NCC
- Kocok mentega,gula,vanilla sampai mengembang,masukkan telur lalu kocok lagi sampai rata dan mengembang.
- Masukkan tepung dan susu bergantian sambil diaduk rata.
- Masukkan kedlm papercup sebanyak 3/4 cup lalu oven dgn panas sedang/sesuaikan dgn panas oven masing2 ya buibuk,selamat mencoba..(me:panas sedang).
Butter cake (Boterkoek) is a traditional Dutch flat cake that contains mostly butter Butter cake is moist with a crispy edge. My favorite part of the butter cake are the crispy. Resep ini akan menghasilkan bolu mentega yang padat berisi. Kentucky Butter Cake is an insanely moist pound cake with a sweet, buttery sauce that soaks through the cake. This moist Kentucky butter cake is simply amazing.