Apple Pie. An apple pie is a pie in which the principal filling ingredient is apple, originated in England. It is often served with whipped cream, ice cream ("apple pie à la mode"), or cheddar cheese. Learn how to make apple pie with our favorite homemade apple pie recipes.
It has a flaky, buttery crust and a tender, lightly-spiced apple pie filling.
Use a combination of apples for best flavor, and bake until the.
Apple pies are a quintessential part of autumn traditions.
Teman-teman dapat menghidangkan Apple Pie hanya dengan menggunakan 16 bahan dan 9 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Apple Pie yuk!
Bahan Apple Pie
- Gunakan Bahan Kulit :.
- Siapkan 300 gr tepung terigu.
- Dibutuhkan 170 gr margarin.
- Diperlukan 170 gr cheddar parut (skip).
- Gunakan 50 gr gula halus.
- Gunakan 2 sdm air es.
- Sediakan 1/2 sdt garam.
- Diperlukan Bahan Isian :.
- Dibutuhkan 500 gr apel hijau (me apel Fuji).
- Gunakan 125 gr gula pasir.
- Dibutuhkan 50 gr kismis.
- Gunakan 1 sdt tepung panir.
- Sediakan 1 sdt kayu manis bubuk (bisa skip kalau gk suka aromanya).
- Siapkan Bahan Olesan :.
- Dibutuhkan 1 btr kuning telur.
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 sdt minyak goreng.
Check out Food Network's best recipes for the American classic. From a traditional British apple pie recipe to a Dutch-style pie, to an all-American slice of comfort food, we've got enough proper (and improper) apple pie recipes to keep you going. This recipe guarantees pie with perfectly cooked (not mushy) apples surrounded by a thickened and gently spiced sauce all baked inside a flaky, golden brown crust. From easy Apple Pie recipes to masterful Apple Pie preparation techniques, find Apple Pie ideas by our editors and community in this recipe collection.
Langkah-langkah membuat Apple Pie
- Siapin bahan untuk isian.
- Masak apel dan kismis hingga lunak, lalu tambahkan gula pasir dan bubuk kayu manis, aduk rata & masak hingga mengeluarkan jus.
- Campur semua bahan adonan kulit, sampai dapat di bentuk.
- Gilas adonan sampai lebar dgn ketebalan ± ½cm.
- Letakkan dlm loyang yg sdh di oles margarine tipis², kemudian tusuk permukaan kulit dgn garpu.
- Oven selama ± 20 menit, di rak bawah.
- Isi kulit yg sdh setengah mateng bahan filling, lalu buat jala dgn sisa adonan oles permukaan nya dgn kuning telur.
- Oven lagi hingga mateng.
- Sajikan.
Apple pie: American icon, most popular pie, and the ONE dessert everyone has to make for Thanksgiving. With its flaky, buttery crust; tart-sweet apples, and wonderful cinnamon-y aroma. This Apple Pie has two layers of buttery crisp pastry enclosing slices of cinnamon sugared apples. This Recipe For Homemade Apple Pie Has Proven To Be The BEST Apple Pie Recipe Around. With A Flaky, Buttery Crust Made From Scratch, And A Gooey, Sweet Apple Filling.